Literacy Homework

Now we have finished reading ‘Rose Blanche’, write a summary of the book.

Include these points:

Description of the main character.

How does the character change during the story?

What are the settings in which the main events happen? Describe them.

What is the moral of the story?

How did the story make you feel and why?

Complete the review using paragraphs.

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12 Responses to Literacy Homework

  1. Berkay says:

    A gripping, haunting, and compassionate story. Young Rose Blanche lives in a small German village and one day witnesses the fear of a young boy being held by Nazi soldiers. Wanting to know why he was so afraid and what was going to happen to him, she follows lorrys deep into the forest. There, she discovers a hidden concentration camp filled with starving women and children. This book depicts her compassion and efforts to help alleviate their hunger as it shows the horrors of this time period.

    The illustrations are remarkable and will keep you lingering on each page. The ending is left for the reader to decide as a shot is fired and Rose’s mother is kept waiting for her to return home.


  2. Libby Coleman says:

    My opinion of the story of Rose Blanch

    My opinion of Rose Blanch was that it was amazing because it teaches you things other stories don’t for example if you want to take on something bigger then yourself you have to consider the consequences and that links my point back to Rose Blanch because she took in mind that there would be consequences when she rescued the Jewish people from the concentration camp. It also includes great description around certain things for example Rose Blanch herself when it said that she has bright blue eyes and beautiful straight hair, tied up with a pretty red bow. It also describes the brown satchel as heavy, the stiches ripping and of course it is brown.

    The book is clever because it said that at the start of the story it was winter and she is also a little girl but at the end its spring and she is a teenager at the end so it tells you how the character change throughout the story line .It also changes the emotions throughout the story by saying at the start of the story she isn’t very sad or emotional because she is just a child and the war is starting but at the end of the story it was saying that she was very emotional at the end after seeing the Jewish kids and adults in the concentration camp. It also shows how things change with the backgrounds for example at the start there was no war but at the end, when Rose Blanch got shot, there was war everywhere but right at the very end there was no war.

    Description was one of the best things the story had to other, most of the description for the people and important things were amazing but the description of the settings were the best for example when they said that the battle fields were then turnt into a beautiful forest. The description of the forest links the whole stories moral which is that sometimes 20 people are worth 1. And it also teaches you that war doesn’t just conqure, it kills and turns people againts each other for no aparent reason. The point I just made is a very strong point but is so true and now days is common sence.

    In my eyes the story is a very clever story because it is a very descriptive story it reals you in but it also teaches you a very important message that people normally don’t think of this type of message or anything linked to this. I would write more to describe my feelings about this story but I can’t really because I have described it all above this.

  3. Nura - 6B says:

    Once there is a little girl named Rose Blanche who was a shy nice girl to a brave bold hero. She was a bold hero because she saved the jews and always gave them food to stay alive.The settings were the freaky concentration camp were is a place to die,her warm safe cosy home and her beautiful town.

    The moral of the story is WW2. The story made me feel really melancholy because she got shot by a German soldier when one day she went to go to the concentration camp and a sharp black blade went into her body and that’s when her whole life ended.

  4. Bethlehem says:

    Rose Blanche ,who wears a blood red bow and a pretty pink dress, is really kind . So kind that she lost her life but saved others. More than that she WAS NOT AT ALL scared that anyone would find out . She cares about anyone ; she help save the jewish people.
    During the story, Rose Blanche changes from happy to sad happy because the war has started and they want to win by cheering their soldiers on and unfortunately sad because she dies near the very end. The character changes by like 4-5 years.
    The main events are the van at the beginning when there pale faces stared out and a boy run into the arms of the fat mayor that seems very proud of himself for catching him and when she finds the horrible concentration camp sprinkled with people in stripy pajamas .
    The morals of this sad story is :to trust yourself , always stay true , never give up .Finally to care about anyone even if they are your enemy.
    The story made me feel emotional and sorry that she lost her life .Even though she died and some of the jewish got killed
    but it got restored at the end I still think that its a really sad story .

  5. luke6b says:

    Rose is a soft warmhearted girl with a pink boy in her hair she is 9 years old.
    She changes from happy at the start of the war then… bang! she saw the concentration camp from happy to heartbroken.
    The town the place where it all started and the Concentration camp the horrible camp where innocent Jews were.
    It is a sad moral beacuse she died and pepole were starved.
    Emotinal beacuse she died and she was brave but she died for doing a good thing.

  6. Megan 6B says:

    Rose Blanche is about a little girl called Rose Blanche. She is very kind and smart. As she is tidy, she has her hair in a neat pink bow and always carries her brown satchal with her. At first, she is happy about the war but she soon relises that the war is not such a happy time. She is curious about the metal vans that go across the town so she follows them to the concentration camp where the pale, ghost-like faces stand out in the mist. She goes to the cocentration camp everyday and gives them food that she spares from her school lunch.
    When the war is nearly over, the concentration camp gets destroyed, meanwhile everyone is leaving town including Roses mother. Rose is at the destroyed camp while she goes so they was not able to see each other again. This story made me feel sad because I would not like to lose my mum like rose did.I would give it 4/5.

  7. Jorden says:

    At the start of the story, the village is a cheery, happy place but Rose sees a man throw a young boy in back of a van. Feeling curious, Rose follows it and comes across a concentration camp with lots of Jewish children in it. After that, she visits the camp everyday and takes her own food to feed to the Jews. She visits throughout the winter but towards the end of the story Rose goes missing and no-one knows where she is….

  8. Bethlehem says:

    Rose Blanche wears :a blood red bow , a pretty pink dress and shiny black shoes.
    She has sparkling sky blue eyes .She always wears cool brown satchel on her back .
    Also her hair is blonde.
    The character changes by age as well as by maturity and by cleverness . she changes by age
    in 4- 5 years. Also by maturity because as you get older you understand more.
    The main events are mainly the van and when she sees the concentration camp since its the problem.
    The moral is to be kind and be friends with anyone no matter what type of person they are.
    The story made me feel emotional , upset and shocked because I weren’texpecting that type of ending.

  9. Berkay says:


  10. Berkay says:

    Mr Anderson

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