Literacy and spellings

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7 Responses to Literacy and spellings

  1. George Sansum says:

    Gruesomely,an unfamiliar smell like a dead animal wafted up my button like nose.I screamed!Lying on the floor behind me lay a sight no one should see by the naked eye,it was a skinned deer.Curiously,my mind wirred on how it got there without me noticing.I spun around in a three hundred and sixty degree turn no one was there, terrified I fell silent as a soft padding like a keen predator advanced up on me. I span around again the footsteps where gone.And so was the the rotting carcas…

  2. Bethlehem says:

    Strolling casually thinking this place would be awesome I noticed it was just as worse as the last one.Rotten leaves .Mud.Rocks.Wild animals.It looked cool however it was HORRIBLE! Mum always said ‘Nothing is better than what you already have’ I understood that now. Heart pounding.Teeth chattering . Shaking body. Petrified I carried on walking .
    A smear of mud and dirty water went through my nose. just as worse as everything that is dirty put together.I felt sick .I vomited .
    Constantly I would hear : birds speaking, branches wrestling people speaking and even a parrot’s voice imitating a human’s voice Because I enjoyed the parrot imitating others voices I wanted the same to happen to me ; I skiped and skidded towards the funny parrot when it done it to me I done nothing but laugh non stop. Happily I changed my mind .I LOVE THE FOREST .

  3. Nura - 6B says:

    Rapidly,I ran like a predator looking for it’s prey. There was rotten mald in the air that I couldn’t bare to smell for two seconds.Suddenly.Something running.Blood.ROAR! I jumped, I quickly zoomed behind a bare tree without any leaves.I stepped a bit then closer then even closer it was a colour that I never seen in my life it was really dark.There was Silence… It was a dead Gazelle eaten by a tiger.Cautiously, I thought why does tigers like eating Gazelle’s for? I heard a squeaking sound behind me it was a neon colourful parrot,it wasn’t only a normal parrot it was a smart parrot that knew everything. He even understood English I asked him “could you help me?” and he gladly exclaimed “yes what do you want?” and I whispered joyfully “Don’t tell nobody but I need to get back home I am LOST!” so the small neon colourful parrot whispered back happily “OK! I can really help you!” So the small neon colourful parrot took me home and me and my mum were really happy so we actually gave the parrot some food and me and my mum had a hot nice cup of tea together to celebrate I came back.

  4. Megan 6B says:

    Warily I stepped out into the foggy jungle.My palms were sweating. My heart was racing.My knees were shaking. Roars. Rain. Claws. Death. The towering trees swung in the darkness of the night. Wet, soggy leaves were sinking into the mud. Loudly, roars filled the misty air around me. Then there was a silence like no other. Smells of dirty mud filled my nose with frightening death. Carefully I walked along, seeing powerful beasts consuming a poor antelope like a tiny snack.
    Tears of frightening hunger ran down my face as I bolted into the deepest part of the jungle, unknowingly.My little delicate shoes, which were now destroyed, smelt horrible. My pale face watching the dirty water splash against the hard rocks. A crocodile with teeth so sharp it can bite through metal. The sticks, short, long, sharp, bendy, straight all flew down the river in a rapid hurry and down the steep waterfall.Crashing down to the bottom.
    A shiver ran down my spine as I went across the log, transfixed on getting to dear land. A lion. Its claws newly sharpened ready to hunt. Angrily it pounced. I ran for my life, chasing me until I climbed up a thin tree with sweating palms. I stayed there for most of the cold night. The shining stars lighting up the night in the pitch black space. The sun rose over the jungle showing its beauty it did not have in the night-time. The bright blue sky mixing with the greenness of nature.The monkeys swinging through the trees.I slid down a and got my feet stuck in the brown mud. I took a lovely stroll through the lovely jungle I hated in the night.

  5. Jorden says:

    As I entered the crowded enormous jungle. I could hear rustling, crunching and the birds speaking there secret language. I saw emeraled lime green branches hanging from the spindly trees. and the sunlight flitering through the colourful leaves.

  6. luke6b says:

    I can hear the echo of birds chirping and the sound of my foot steps.
    I also can hear monkeys saying ooo ooo aa aa.
    I can smell animal droppings.
    I can smell soggy leaves.
    I can see monkeys eating bananas.
    I can see parrots on the trees.
    Luke 6b

  7. Tommy Robinson says:

    The jungle was damp with heat and boiling to the brim. I felt hot and I found it hard to breath the thick jungle mist. I could see the drenched leaves covered in glistning water droplets and the burning bark of the rubber trees. I could smell dank rivers overflowing like huge kitchen sinks, and the dense air of the jungle. I could hear the squawking of the vicious jungle birds, warning me angrily to stay away from their homes. I could feel the wet blades of the soaking leaves tearing at my clothes as I pushed my way through them.

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