Happy New Year to all the children in 4B! I hope you’ve had a lovely holiday with plenty of rest. Thank you for all your posts about our last topic ‘Winter Wonderland’. I was really impressed with how you all experimented with the lettering and adding graphics.
Our topic next half term is going to be Rainforests. Let’s create a bright and interesting display in our Reading Corner just like last term. Can you make anything at home to add to our display, like leaves, birds or animals? I’ve included some ideas below to help you. You could even make your own habitat box!
Don’t forget to keep reading every day, do some ‘Mathletics’ – and make sure your homework pack is finished so you can hand it in next week. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
miss holland the o2 arena website dosen’t work
I hope you can get it to work now Amani!